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Welcome 7th graders! River Crossing YMCA  offers free memberships for all 7th graders in our community! We are a cause-driven organization for Youth Development fulfilling its mission with the Seventh Grade Initiative. The Y offers free membership to all students in the seventh grade. The initiative aims to encourage youth to make healthy choices and avoid risky behaviors to succeed in school and life.

The Program

This free program includes:

✔️ Teen membership to your local branch and full access to pool, Wellness Center, gymnasium and free-to-member classes including group exercise, sports, teen programs, and Esports Lounges in Doylestown, Warminster & Fairless Hills.

✔️ Teen strength & fitness orientation

✔️ Volunteering opportunities

✔️ Reduced program costs with member rate

Who qualifies:

✔️ Community 7th graders


How to Create Your 7th Grade Membership

Step One: Fill in Form

Fill in and submit the 7th Grade Initiative application form

7th Grade Membership Form

Step Two: Parents/Guardians and 7th grader attend Zoom orientation

Before completing your 7th Grade Initiative registration process, all parents/guardians and their 7th grader are REQUIRED to attend a Zoom orientation (dates listed within the form). Both parents/guardians must have their camera on and be ready to participate in the Zoom orientation. 

The orientation will cover all of the information about the program including code of conduct, 7th grader expectations, available amenities, and disciplinary actions/consequences. The Zoom orientation will provide the opportunity to meet and speak with the 7th Grade Leader at your respective branch.

Step Three: Students Read, Sign Member Code of Conduct

Sign Here

Step Four:  Read Orientation Guide, Watch Fitness Orientation, Take Quiz

Students must read the Teen Strength and Fitness Orientation Guide, watch the Fitness Equipment Orientation Video and take the Teen Orientation Quiz.  Students must score at least 25 out of 32 questions correctly in order to fulfill this requirement.

Step Five:  Membership Confirmation
Once all items have been completed, you will receive a membership confirmation email with next steps to complete your membership at the branch. Please allow 48-72 hours to receive email after Zoom attendance and all forms have been submitted.




The Impact

Our 7th Grade Initiative Program has impacted 8,568+ 7th graders and their families since its inception in 2012.

Total participants impacted in 2024:  709
Branches served: All branches


7th Grade Initiative Program Leaders

photo of andrew yannarella

Andrew Yannarella

kyle creighton

Kyle Creighton

Need Help? Contact us! 

Bucks & Hunterdon Counties

Doylestown Branch: Chris Lochetta,
Hunterdon County: Pam Gardinsky,
Fairless Hills & Newtown Branches: Andrew Yannarella,
Quakertown Branch: Kyle Creighton,
Warminster Branch: Maddy Moore,

Lehigh & Northampton Counties

Bethlehem Branch: Erika Proctor,
Easton Branch: Fred Jennings,
Nazareth Branch: Vanessa Pearce,
Slate Belt Branch: Krysta Kulesa,
Suburban North Branch: Kevon Allen,




Thank you 7th Grade Initiative sponsors:

univest logo

Thank you to our 10-year program sponsor.