Enjoy complimentary access to recreational and lap swimming with your YMCA membership. Make the most of your membership with recreational swim and lap swimming sessions. Start your aquatic journey with us today!
Pools operate on a scheduled basis shared among structured programs and open lap and recreational time for members.
Lap Swim
Lap swimming can be a fun and lifelong exercise. It keeps you fit, safe and improves mental health. Our pools are scheduled for a variety of activities on a daily basis. Visit our schedules page often and plan your lap swim workout today!
Lap swim is free with membership.
Recreational Swim
Recreational swim time is available in our aquatics centers on a scheduled basis. Enjoy our water slide and play elements or play time in the pool.
Recreational swim is free with membership.

Aquatic Group Exercise
Greater mobility, reduced pain and fatigue, increased muscle strength and enhanced sleep quality are just a few of the benefits of a regular fitness workout in the pool. Work at your own ability level during a variety of water exercise classes with encouragement from friendly, welcoming classmates.
Aquatic group exercise classes are free with membership and currently require advanced registration in Bucks County.
Reservation Links Bucks County