Our "Tools to Get You Started" programs are designed to help you kick off or reboot your wellness journey with confidence and support. From the InBody Scan with Consultation and Fitness Equipment Orientations to Myzone tracking, our range of resources will guide you every step of the way, whether you're a new member or a teen building strength for the first time.

InBody Scan with Consultation
Try the newest body composition technology that provides you with an in depth look at what your body is made of and couples that with a conversation with a fitness professional to get you started with personalized goals that meet your specific needs.

Fitness Equipment Orientation
Fitness Equipment Orientations help all ages learn safe, effective equipment use, set up for success, and connect with a supportive expert. Register using Mindbody links here.
Teens 12-14 must complete the virtual Teen Strength Orientation before using the Wellness Center to ensure safe and proper equipment use. Learn more here.

Join the Tribe! MyzoneⓇ is a cutting-edge wearable that tracks heart rate, calories, and exercise time with 99.4% accuracy, converting effort into Myzone Effort Points (MEPs).

Facility App
Our app has everything you need, from class schedules and member challenges to digital workout tracking and 24/7 access to thousands of on-demand classes with Y Wellness!

Stay up to date with class schedules and program times to make the most of your Y experience!
New Member Challenge
When you join you are automatically enrolled in this motivational program. Visit the Y twenty (20) times in your first 60 days of membership and you’ll receive $25 in Y Bucks! We do all the tracking - you just need to scan in each time you are here! (Y Bucks can be used towards membership, programs, MyZone belts, and more!)