Our "Tools to Get You Started" programs are designed to help you kick off or reboot your wellness journey with confidence and support. From the InBody Scan with Consultation and Fitness Equipment Orientations to Myzone tracking, our range of resources will guide you every step of the way, whether you're a new member or a teen building strength for the first time.
InBody Scan with Consultation
Try the newest body composition technology that provides you with an in depth look at what your body is made of and couples that with a conversation with a fitness professional to get you started with personalized goals that meet your specific needs.
Fitness Equipment Orientations
Fitness Equipment Orientations will acclimate you with the Wellness Center, teaching you how to use the equipment safely and effectively, review everything you need to know to set you up for success, and also give you a familiar face to have someone you can go to for help if you need it . Register using <Mindbody links here>.
Our Fitness Equipment Orientation video also reviews all of the pieces of equipment we have in the Wellness Center and teaches you how to set them up and use them safely and properly,
Teen Strength Orientation
Our Wellness Centers are open to anyone ages 12+. In properly orienting our teen members to the rules and how to safely use the equipment, teens/tweens age 12-14 must complete the new virtual Teen Strength Orientation prior to accessing the Wellness Center.
Join the Tribe! MyzoneⓇ is an innovative wearable heart rate based system that use wireless and cloud technology to accurately and conveniently monitor physical activity. Myzone delivers 99.4% accuracy monitoring heart rate, calories and time exercising that convert into Myzone Effort Points (MEPs) with a focus on rewarding effort rather than fitness.
Facility App
Stocked full of everything you will need at each of our branches, our app includes a “Find A Class” feature, member challenges to keep you motivated and moving, digital workouts where you can track your progress, and links you directly to our new virtual platform Y Wellness 24/7 to access 1,000s of on-demand classes!
Lehigh Valley Health Network Athletic Training
Through a partnership with Lehigh Valley Health Network, the YMCA Easton Branch offers members access to on-site evaluations and no-cost healthcare services. Plus, take advantage of onsite appointment scheduling with LVHN providers for seamless follow-up care. This collaboration brings healthcare and wellness together, right in your community!

New Member Challenge
When you join you are automatically enrolled in this motivational program. Visit the Y twenty (20) times in your first 60 days of membership and you’ll receive $25 in Y Bucks! We do all the tracking - you just need to scan in each time you are here! (Y Bucks can be used towards membership, programs, MyZone belts, and more!)