Staff Bright Spots

staff bright spot
September 13, 2024

Congratulations to our Staff Bright Spot recipients and thank you to our members, guests and staff who submit Staff Bright Spots when you receive outstanding service or have an impactful encounter with a YMCA staff member. Each month, we'll feature our Spotlight of the Month below. 

Interested in submitting a Bright Spot. Simply click on the link below:

Bright Spot


August 2024
Desi Fluck
Membership, Quakertown

I just want to express the enjoyment I got in working out in your YMCA. Your customers were great and your staff
was professional, personable and always a pleasure to work with.  I was always greeted with a smile and a pleasant
"good morning"!  I will never forget the kindness that I was treated with. I am leaving on the 28th for Oklahoma. I have
already checked and they have a YMCA where I am going and if their staff is half as good as yours  I will be okay. I
sincerely doubt they could match yours. I mostly dealt with the ladies up front and those that did my "in body scans".
I probably saw Desi more than anyone and she was awesome, but all the ladies up front were wonderful. As today
was my last day,  I was a little sad, but your Desi perked me up. Once again thank you!


July 2024
Tori Ward
Health and Wellness, Fairless Hills

This email was received from a Fairless Hills member and I wanted to make sure Tori is recognized for providing such and exceptional experience:"! just want to pass on the wonderful experience I had with Tori Ward for my introduction training sessions. For someone who has never been to a gym or even lifted weights, she was able to give me a good routine that was both comfortable and challenging.In addition, Tori has the strong ability to multi task while working with her clients. I thought it was great how she would give encouragement to the special needs members or shout-out some of her other clients while still being engaged with the member she was working with.Tori is a great member of the Y team and brings a lot of energy to the gym I "I could not agree more with this feedback. Tori has the ability to provide both a fun, welcoming, and engaging experience for all members in the wellness center while also enforcing policies and ensuring the safety of all members. She is relatable and genuine in all of her interactions. This takes a skill set that is unique and I am so grateful she will be joining our team as a full time Stakeholder! Thank you, Tori! 

June 2024
Julie Potter
Ability Programs, Doylestown

One of my favorite programs is the YMCA is the abilities program (s). It's one thing to offer some of the services
YMCABHC does, catering to the abilities group - but observing how some of the abilities staff interacts with this
group brings so much warmth to my heart. I was on the floor from2-10 and I observed JuliePotter working 1-1
with several clients.Her communication, motivation, inspiration, demonstration - all of it was first class and gold
standard. I don't know Julie but from what I can tell, she sets the bar for passion, compassion, empathy, and
heart inside the egym. She was a refreshing reminder of the power of Humans and how we ought to be living and
treating others. So much respect for someone bringing this level of dedication, love, and patience to their craft.



May 2024
Reza Mir
Aquatics, Doylestown

"I took my 10- year-old son to the Doylestown YMCA to practice swimming for the Central Bucks School District Triathlon, using a one-week free pass for race participants. Although my son knows how to swim, he is not skilled in formal strokes (front crawl, backstroke, etc.) and was a bit nervous about the swimming portion of the race. He woke up extra early one morning to practice doing some laps at the Y before school. When we arrived, the lanes were all filled with lap swimmers. We took a seat next to the pool to await his turn when the lifeguard, Reza, approached us. We told Reza that it was our first time at the Y’s lap pool and my son was there to practice for the triathlon. Reza motioned to my son to follow him as he kindly asked one of the lane swimmers to share her lane. As my son swam, Reza continually encouraged him and gave him suggestions on his form and breathing. He was so warm and kind toward my son and his upbeat and reassuring manner was truly motivational. It brought happy tears to my eyes to see someone going above and beyond to help my son. Reza’s uplifting demeanor made my son feel so comfortable that he asked if we could practice again the following morning. His second lane-swim practice was equally rewarding, as Reza again offered his knowledge and support to my son and wished him well on his competition."

April 2024
Jodie Hart
Aquatics, Quakertown

I myself have been swimming at the Y for over 35 years now, along with both of my kids learning how to swim there, I’ve never doubted the ability of any lifeguards at any YMCA branch to help keep everyone safe. That being said, every parent should feel an extra sense of comfort knowing their kids are *extra* safe with Jodie as a lifeguard. She is by far the most attentive, engaged, and focused lifeguard that I’ve ever seen at the Y in my entire life. She always has the same high level of attention on the pool regardless if there were 5 people in the pool, or if there were 50. Please share this well deserved and long overdue recognition for Jodie with Zane and the rest of the Y executive leadership team. Also, if she already isn’t included in the training of new lifeguards, I truly believe she would a valuable role model for best practices across the entire organization.

March 2024
Katie Gaebel
Stay & Play, Doylestown

Katie is truly the light that shines bright every day in Stay & Play! In yesterday's Service Delivery, Wednesday March 14th, Katie was an exceptional participant. She was bold, brave, so communicative, and did an exceptional job participating while most of the audience was quiet. Katie is every meeting host's dream! Not only did Katie's passion for the Y and serving youth shine during Service Delivery, but it is evident how important the Y is to her and how significant of a role she has in nurturing our youth and families. Katie, you rock and you are amazing! Thank you for making so many people happy, and phenomenal job showing up so strongly in Service Delivery!


February, 2024
Stephanie Aguilar, our Food Program Coordinator, is instrumental in maintaining the integrity
of our feeding program and upholding PDE regulations across our Bucks sites. Her
dedication to addressing food insecurity within our community is commendable. Stephanie's
passion for making a meaningful impact is evident in her work. We appreciate her
commitment and the positive difference she continues to make everyday.


January, 2024
Mariel Brill

Mariel Brill, a Lead Teacher at New Britain Child Care Center, shines as a true Bright Spot. Her dedication to both the children and the staff team is evident in her proactive approach. Mariel consistently takes the initiative to identify and address needs, providing support to our team. Despite her quiet demeanor, she proves to be mighty in her contributions, leaving a lasting positive impact on the center. We appreciate Mariel's exceptional commitment and leadership.


December, 2023
Nicole Bandura

Nicole helped a gentleman who came into the Y to drop off a donation in memory of his wife. Nicole provided an exceptional experience for him! It would have been fine to just accept the check, say thank you and let him walk out the door. However, Nicole went the extra mile. She took the time to speak with him and get to know him. She had a wonderful conversation with him about his involvement at the Y many years ago which led to Nicole walking him back to see the expansion. He was impressed with how far the Y has come as an organization. That extra time that Nicole spent with him getting to know him was extraordinary! Thank you, Nicole!


November, 2023

Anahita Mir, Doylestown

Mrs. Mir is an exceptional Aquatics Director - the best I have experienced in my 20+ years at the YMCA. She goes above and beyond to make connections with members and treats everyone with the utmost respect and kindness. Mrs. Mir has an outstanding ability to listen to members concerns and questions and always finds a way to make things "work" for them. She does all of this with a big smile! I have struggled for the past twenty years to be able to swim laps after school. I met with previous directors and was NEVER satisfied with their recommended "solution" which was "You will need to come to the YMCA when swim team does not have a scheduled time." This was very frustrating to say the least! When Mrs. Mir was hired for this position, she listened to my concerns and found a way to have at least one open lane after school! Since she has been on staff - I have NEVER had a problem swimming after school. This year I had a 3 month freeze for shoulder surgery - When I returned to the YMCA Mrs. Mir assured me the same swim schedule. So often I wanted to "quit" the MCA - I am so glad I didn't because Mrs. Mir makes this such a happy and relaxing place to swim. The YMCA is fortunate to have her on staff and I think the world of her!! She has been, by far, the best staff member I have had the pleasure to meet in my 20+ years! Please share this with her - I want her to know what a HUGE DIFFERENCE she has made for me!!!


October, 2023
Felix Oleaga - Aquatics, Fairless Hills 

Felix takes kids who are not in good spirits when they come in and changes their moods completely within the half hour they are there. He can turn them into swimmers in just four weeks! Our boys have gone from using floaties to no floaties in 4 weeks. We just love how friendly and caring he is!"


September, 2023
Isaiah Gutierrez - Health and Wellness, Quakertown

Isaiah treats you with respect and dignity and makes you feel like you are THE MOST IMPORTANT thing going on at all times. He really pays attention to detail when training you. He's very focused on your posture to make sure you don't get injured. I've never had a better personal trainer and I've had a few.

August, 2023
Dawn Gale -Morrisville Child Care Center

I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and care that you have given to Ioanna over the last two years… I was going through the paperwork you sent home and I feel completely overwhelmed with gratitude for YOU. You are truly a special person! I give you so much credit for  Ioanna’s health and happiness to your hard work and genuine love and devotion. I feel sad I was not present with her during those moments….I wish I could have. But I could not and we thankfully received and continue to receive this help from you. It is humbling. We owe you a great deal. You have helped our family tremendously. More than words can say. I know that Ioanna will grow up to be a beautiful woman with the love you’ve shown her deep in her heart. THANK YOU again


July, 2023
Anthony Callan - Health and Wellness in Quakertown

A few weeks ago a new member was interested in using our cardio room for the elliptical. He is a young man around 15 and was cautious to use anything new. I suggested we go meet Anthony, a way cooler guy than me, who could show Nick around. I didn't have time to prepare Anthony ahead of time, but he just jumped right in and showed Nick kindness and support. When Nick left that night, he was beaming! On Friday, July 7, Nick came in again. Anthony was not on duty, but I let Nick know he was in the weight room. At the end of Nick's workout, he saw me and told me that he saw Anthony but didn't say hi. I asked him if he wanted to and he did, so we went in and waited while Anthony finished his set in the weight room. Anthony greeted Nick with the same kindness and consideration as before and Nick left thinking he might want to start doing some weights, too. Anthony is one of the most considerate young men I work with on the weekends. He shows maturity and leadership, he is a team player and quick to want to offer support. I am so thankful to work with him when I have the opportunity!

June, 2023
Jolene Head - Quaktertown branch Gymnastics

"My grandson with low-level autism has been doing gymnastics with Jolene for almost two years. Her remarkable patience and perseverance with him is incredible. She knows him. She’s taught him gymnastics and beyond that, how to get along with the other kids. She’s increased his self-esteem. She’s exceptional with all the children. She’s beyond an exceptional employee. She’s an exceptional person!!"

April, 2023
Daniel D'Ablis

"Mr. Dan is a bright spot in both Lucia and Vinny’s lives so it’s difficult to pick just one exceptional example to share. A more recent story though is when Vinny was having a tough time with a friend. Mr Dan went out of his way to make Vinny not only feel safe but also helped him navigate his feelings. He spoke to Vinny about friends who fill your cup and those that don’t which really resonated with Vinny. Mr. Dan shared examples from his own childhood which made the situation feel so relatable and that Vinny wasn’t alone. We all love Mr. Dan for his patient and caring nature but he goes above and beyond to create a safe and nurturing environment where kids can open up, feel accepted and feel all their feelings. I also want to highlight the kindness club. What a brilliant idea! The kids love it and feel really good when they are recognized for being kind. I think that will have a lasting impact."

March, 2023
Walter Baumgarten

"You can always count on Walt to find a creative solution for storage around the Y. Last week Walt took an old (still in great shape) group x step holder and transformed it into a pool deck storage rack for our foam dumbbells. His creation eliminated an old yuckie deck crate and replaced it with a clean, organized, mobile (on wheels) rack that stores the dumbbells in a much nicer manner as well as having the capability to move the rack to the members. They no longer need to walk around to pick-up and or put away the equipment. Great customer service and awesome solutions to an eye sore on the deck. Thanks Walt."


Submit a Staff Bright Spot



About Staff Bright Spots: 

Has your day been “BRIGHTENED” by a Y employee? Have you seen a staff person connect with co-workers, families, or members in a special way? If so, please take time to nominate that Y employee for being a Bright Spot!

Who can submit a Bright Spot?
Fellow Staff/Peers, Members, Managers, Parents of students...Anyone at the Y!

What do you need to do?

  1. Simply click on the <Bright Spot link>
  2. Include employee’s name (first and last if possible) and their class or department.
  3. Tell us how this staff member made your Y experience exceptional!