YMCA Taps Homegrown Talent to Lead NinjaZone and Camp and Warminster

WARMINSTER - River Crossing YMCA in Warminster has named James Knepp, a former Y camper, counselor-in-training (CIT) and counselor, to lead its recently launched NinjaZone program and summer camp. The NinjaZone program takes place at the Y branch and YMCA Camp Bucks is located at Warminster Community Park.
Originally from Plumsteadville, Knepp attended Central Bucks East High School before enrolling at Widener University, where he played lacrosse for four years prior to graduating with his Bachelor's degree in Dec. 2024. Jimmy, as he is known, is now the director of sports and camp for the Y in Warminster.
“When I was a kid, I attended the YMCA summer camp at Doylestown for a couple of years,” Knepp explained. “Then when I was going into seventh grade, my mom signed me up to be a CIT for the summer at Camp Bucks in Doylestown.”
Jimmy recounted his time as a CIT.
“We were campers, but we were not. We weren't counselors, either, so it was tough. But by my third year, I really fell in love with it, and I knew I wanted to be a camp counselor. So I sat down with the coordinator at the time and talked about future opportunities for me to be a counselor, what kind of camps I would be interested in doing, and then in the winter, when I was going into 10th grade, I interviewed to be a camp counselor. I got the job and started out that next summer.
“I loved it. And then the next year I started to grow with the Y. I was helping out in the youth development department and that shaped me into the kind of counselor I wanted to be. When summer came around, I was solely working for the Y in sports camp.”
By 2020, Knepp began to lead more Y sports camps, including soccer, flag football and basketball camps. In 2021, he got promoted to being a camp supervisor.
“As a supervisor, it made me think that this was what I wanted to do in my career, what I was really passionate about,” Jimmy recalled.
Last summer Knepp was asked to help out at the Y’s camp in Warminster, which was in its first year running at Warminster Community Park in partnership with Warminster Twp. Parks and Recreation. When camp ended Jimmy went back to Widener to finish his degree and began talking with the Y about a full-time position after graduation. Jimmy accepted his current position as the Y’s director of sports and camp for Warminster in Dec.
NinjaZone is a fusion of obstacle course training, gymnastics, parkour, and character building. Offered to children ages 12 months through 10 years, NinjaZone is a structured program, as well as a space for open, supervised play during specific hours of operation. Beginner sessions begin with forward rolls, vault landings and hanging on the bars. Classes present more challenges as the curriculum progresses.
“In the beginning some of the ninjas are a little nervous and scared of trying out some of the activities. As the weeks progress they get more confident in themselves. They begin to trust themselves to try new skills and begin practicing on their own. By the end of the session we put it all together and challenge the ninjas to combine all those skills into one big obstacle course, which is a lot of fun because they run through all their new skills. They are so proud of themselves and it shows on their faces.”
River Crossing YMCA opened 2025 summer camp registration on January 14, offering an early bird rate for families who sign up by May 5. This includes Knepp’s Y camp at Warminster Community Park.
“I love working with youth and families because of the smiles, the impact, and getting them to come back,” Jimmy shared. “I remember when I was a counselor for the Y in Doylestown. There was this shy camper in his first year at camp. He didn't have any friends yet. I took him under my wing and introduced him to more of the campers. I was able to break him out of his shell. He ended up coming back to camp for the next 3 or 4 years. I got to see him grow up, along with a bunch of other campers. One year, his mom came up to me and said he cannot stop talking about camp at the dinner table. That put the biggest smile on my face. Each year I get to know campers who keep coming back. It is really amazing and the reason I wanted to make the Y my career choice.”
More information about YMCA camp, NinjaZone and other programs for families in Warminster can be found on our website.
Photo captions:
Photo 1: Jimmy Knepp played lacrosse during his four years studying at Widener University.
Photo 2: A young ninja celebrates his progress along the NinjaZone obstacle course at River Crossing YMCA’s Warminster branch.
Photo 3: “Coach” Jimmy demonstrates the NinjaZone obstacle course for new ninjas at River Crossing YMCA’s Warminster branch.